kennyi tsai
introduction出生於西元 1990,來自台灣彰化,現居台中。高雄師範大學工業設計學系畢,在網頁設計領域已有 10 年以上經歷,擅於網站企劃、網頁設計、RWD 網站切版、Bootstrap 框架使用、Javasript 套件使用,也從事插畫創作及平面編排設計。
Hello, Thanks for visiting my page.
I was born in 1990 and I am from Changhua, Taiwan. Living in Taichung now. I graduated from
National Kaohsiung Normal University and my major was in Industrial Design. I have worked
in web design for over 4 years and I have a wide range of experience including wedsite
planning, website layout. I also do some illustrations or graphic design like movie poster
in my spare time.
experience從 2014 年開始所參與過的產業類別涵蓋公家機關、學校、傳統產業、點心食品、大型小型購物站、美妝保養等等。
I focuse on web design from 2014 for a variety of type of agencies like government, schools, traditional industry, food industry, shopping site, etc.